Professional Projects

Cloud Ops and Blast Ops

Leveraging the power of React, Rust, and C++ I used state of the art Machine Vision and 3D collision libraries to deliver beautiful, performant, and interactive engineering experience for surface generation from scans and drill and blast planning in open pit mines.

Point Normal Surface Creation
Volume Voxels
Aerial Captures

Fix 1 Web UI

Developed and Deployed Machine Vision Algorithms for IOT bulk inventory measurement and used React, Node, GraphQL, Oracle DB, Cassandra, Docker, Kubernetes to create associated web portals

Point Normal Surface Creation
Volume Voxels

Carlson Office Mining

Use QT and C++ geostatistics engines to deliver Dynamic Mine Planning and CAD tooling

Point Normal Surface Creation
Block Model
Aerial Captures

Bevy Egui Playground

A demo of the multiple Bevy Egui scenes interacting with a Egui dialog overlay. Perfect boilerplate for advanced Bevy-Egui projects.

Point Normal Surface Creation

Warboss Waaghit

A Widget with more Waagh. Speeds up the army setup selection process in Total War Warhammer 2. Adds search and win loss tracking.

Warboss Waaghit Speed Demo

Rusty ABOS

A Rust implimentation of A Rust implementation of Averaging Based on Smoothing. This algorithm is useful for generating realistic surfaces from data with sparse and noisy readings.

This Site

The code for this website is open sourced MIT licensed. See how to build and deploy a fully featured media rich website with Typescript, React, Chakra UI, and Vercel.


Platform for taking your rust leetcode practice offline. Includes solutions and templates for your own practice.

Tool Chest

Front End

  • React Native
  • NextJs
  • Mobx
  • AntD
  • Chakra UI
  • ThreeJS
  • Kibana
  • Egui
  • Yew

Back End

  • GraphQL
  • REST
  • Sqlite
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Planetscale
  • Axum


  • Azure
  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Vercel
  • PostgreSQL
  • Kubernetes
  • GKE

Dev Ops

  • Nx
  • Bazel
  • Terraform
  • Crossplane
  • Github Actions
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Gitlab Pipelines